Life Coaching for the Present Moment

Discover possibility and move forward with courage

Hi, I’m Melissa. 

Do you envision the life you would love to live? Are you actively taking action to make this vision a reality? If not, then life coaching is here to get you past where you’re currently stuck, access your wisdom, and take action on what truly matters most.

Whether you’re wanting to break from what may be holding you back, in the midst of a life change, or to simply live a more purposeful and fulfilling life, life coaching will give you more clarity paired with practical tools to make meaningful strides towards a life with more ease and satisfaction.

I am a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the gold standard for the coaching profession. I am trained at the Academy for Coaching Excellence, a highly ethical and rigorous coach training school that requires significant course training and coaching hours accredited by the ICF.

These may sound familiar to you:

  • Are you experiencing a life transition and not sure how to navigate its challenges?

  • Do you feel stuck in a routine and yearn for more excitement or purpose?

  • Are you dealing with stress or burnout and seeking ways to improve well-being?

  • Do you have specific goals or dreams but struggle with doubt or lack of action?

Coaching supports you to get past where you’re stuck so you can move forward with clarity and ease.

Imagine it’s a busy day, and you’re handling the hustle and bustle of everyday life with a lot more ease than you thought was possible.

You’re no longer a passenger in your own life; you’re the captain, steering in an empowering direction.

You’re seeing the world with fresh eyes and leading a more authentic, meaningful, and happier life.

Melissa’s presence was a wonderful support. She really helped me a lot by creating a beautiful, ontological space for me to see what I wanted to do next.” - Erin

“I really looked forward to our coaching sessions because I could see how much of a genuine benefit it was to me. The focus was great.” - Nicholas

Why Coaching?

A coaching relationship is a powerful partnership. A supportive coach can help you see the possibilities that bring the greatest satisfaction so you can take consistent action toward your goals.

Distinctions about what coaching is and is not.

Therapy is about healing the past; coaching is about taking action in the present.

Consulting prescribes solutions; coaching empowers you to act on your own wisdom.

Mentoring provides wisdom from experience; coaching draws from your inner wisdom.

Training has a set curriculum and objectives; coaching reveals your own objectives.

Coaching supports you to get clear on what is truly important to you and take action.

Receiving coaching support is only a few steps away

Book a Call

To get started, take a courageous step forward by booking a time for us to have an informal chat.

Let’s Chat

My free Discovery Session allows us to see where you are on your journey and if working together is the next best step.

Get Clear & Take Action

With my support, you will begin to get clear on what matters most and to take action with courage and more ease.

Is coaching the next step for you?

Schedule a complimentary discovery session so we can chat to see if the coaching support that I provide is a good fit for you. I am grateful to have the conversation with you, regardless of what you decide. You’re able to contact me with questions before or after the session as well.

Please fill out the form below so we can explore the possibility of what life has to offer.

“Every time you are willing to say “Yes” to everything on your path, you express the hero inside of you.”

— Maria Nemeth